ITLS Announces Candidates for Board of Directors 2022
The election of ITLS leaders will take place electronically in 2022. This year three members will be elected to the ITLS Board of Directors. The Speaker and Vice Speaker will also be elected.
Candidates for Board of Directors
Three members of the ITLS Board of Directors will be elected in 2022.
The candidates are:
Justin Beal, RN, PHRN, NRP – Pennsylvania
Questionnaire Form
Candidate Interview
Richard Bradley, MD, FACEP – Texas
Liz Cloughessy, AM, RGN, Mast Health Mgt, FAEN – Australia
Miles Darby, Paramedic – Pennsylvania
Ron Kowalik, BPHE, ACP – Ontario, Canada
Jurij Kryvonos, MD, PhD – Ukraine
Simon-Luc Lavoie, QL6A CSS Medical Technician, AECP – Quebec, Canada
Candidates for Speakers:
Amy Boise, NREMT-P, FP-C – Arizona
Ron Kowalik, BPHE, ACP – Ontario, Canada
Vice Speaker
Election Procedure
The 2022 Board, Speaker, and Vice Speaker elections will take place electronically with all chapter-designated delegates being sent electronic ballots on September 30. Watch your email for a message from Association Voting and ITLS. This is your official ballot to cast your vote.
Remember: ITLS bylaws require that you vote for the number of open positions. This year, for the Board you must vote for three (3) candidates, or your ballot will be discarded as invalid. You may write in the name of another ITLS member as a Board candidate
The three candidates who receive the highest number of votes will be declared elected. If there is a tie, an additional round of balloting will occur.
For the Speaker and Vice Speaker, vote for one candidate each, and write-in candidates are allowed.
The voting period will close on October 21. An announcement of those elected will be made on November 3 at the 2022 ITLS International Trauma Conference business meeting.