Conducting courses outside a Chapter or Training Centre is an option for organizations who already have a core group of certified ITLS Instructors and wish to conduct courses in a different geographic location than their Chapter or Training Centre.
If you are an approved course coordinator affiliated with an existing Chapter or Training Centre, you will run the Course Outside a Chapter or Training Centre with the approval of your Chapter or Training Centre. The Chapter or Training Centre notifies ITLS International of the activity on your behalf; you request, coordinate, and complete the course with your Chapter or Training Centre according to standard procedures.
If you are applying to become a new Chapter or Training Centre and have already completed your initial training (Provider and Instructor), you may continue to run courses at your location during the application process by conducting them Outside a Chapter or Training Centre. You will submit the paperwork directly to ITLS International for approval.
All courses run at a location outside of a Chapter or Training Centre must complete an application and notify ITLS International of the activity in advance of the course. A minimum of 90 days advance notice is required.
Download Course Outside a Chapter or Training Centre Application
If you have additional questions about this process, please contact Executive Director Ginny Kennedy Palys or Customer Service Manager Sue McDonough. Staff contact information